CASE STUDY | Mental health and wellbeing
Members of the regular Trading Card Group (TCG) disclosed issues with their own Mental Health and wellbeing and expressed interest in taking part in specific sessions focusing on improving this.
The Intervention
The goals / support agreed was:
- It was agreed that staff would plan and deliver a bespoke 6 week programme for males aged 13+ as a lot of young people were struggling with the same issues or could identify with those that were.
The support provided was:
- A 6 week programme was designed and delivered to young people who usually access the TCG sessions and young people who were identified from detached sessions were also invited along to participate.
- Young people who attended were provided with more information around subjects such as sexual, physical, emotional and mental health to raise their awareness of these subjects and how they are linked together.
- Young people reported having a greater knowledge and understanding of these subjects and identifiable triggers for them personally.
- Young people who attended informed staff that now due to their increased knowledge and understanding of different aspects of mental health and wellbeing they have been able to make positive changes to their own lifestyles.
- They reported having increased confidence in facing/dealing with situations that could have an effect on their mental health and have also been able to give advice and guidance to others.
- Young people have expressed interest in being able to volunteer at future sessions with different cohorts to pass on their experiences.
- A second cohort of female only participants have also completed these sessions as a direct result of the success of the first group.