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Guitar Lessons Go Down A Storm With Young People

Wednesday, 13 January, 2021

Guitar Lessons Go Down A Storm With Young People

“You’re on mute” “just waiting to reconnect” “my webcam isn’t working” “my WIFI is playing up” “the 40 minutes are nearly up.” These are just some of the phrases we’ve all become used to as online activity has kept us connected throughout lockdowns one, two and now three. But, as frustrating as IT and WIFI can sometimes be, it hasn’t stopped a group of young people from Positive Futures becoming buddy Guitarists.

Only 12 weeks ago the group of 5 young people were complete beginners, many of them having never picked up a guitar before never mind trying to play it. Now, fast forward 3 months and they are playing chords and plucking strings to tunes such as House of the Rising Sun and a few cheeky Beetles numbers too.

But perhaps one of the biggest achievements for the group of young people, has been that they have achieved all of this virtually. Learning from their tutor via Skype hasn’t always been the easiest thing, but the group has approached this with maturity, commitment and most importantly enthusiasm.

Youth Development Worker Tom Coates said;

“What has been absolutely brilliant about these sessions is the positive and proactive way our young people have approached them. Everyone learns in a different way and at different speeds, so the group needed to be patient with one another and support each other, and that’s just what they have done!”

Tom went on to say;

“Music is a language that is known all over the world, and can bring people together, even during lockdowns.

“Learning to play an instrument is a brilliant skill because it uses different parts of the brain and can support mindfulness, it’s also brilliant for helping to develop communication skills.”

The group of young people are now preparing for an online performance that is planned to take place in mid-February.

If you would like to get involved in a future activity with Positive Futures, visit their website to see that ways that you can get involved.

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