CASE STUDY | ASD and ADHD, finding it difficult to socialise and anxious
YP is diagnosed with ASD and ADHD. They find it difficult to socialise, but this is more so due to their ASD, and they can become slightly anxious. YP attends limited activities which mum has identified as being one of the main difficulties.
The Intervention
The goals / support agreed was:
- To support YP with the social aspect of joining in activities and to help with finding new hobbies/activities to do outside of school which help with some of the anxieties that they face.
- It was agreed that to deliver a minimum of six 1-2-1 support sessions to assess readiness for group/social activities and encourage YP to attend weekly activities with Positive Futures.
The support provided was:
- An initial home visit was completed to meet YP and their parents, and to introduce Positive Futures support moving forward.
- In the first couple of 1-2-1 sessions support needs were identified using several assessment tools including My Outcomes Star and setting an achievable Goal Based Outcome. YP identified anxieties around attending group activities however, showed a willingness to give it a try. We also used these sessions to explore what interests or activities they would like to try.
- The remaining sessions focused on supporting YP in accessing weekly activities at Positive Futures, whilst encouraging them to build relationships with staff and other young people.
- Seven 1-2-1 sessions were completed in total including the initial introduction session.
- YP’s My Mind Star exit scores show an overall improvement from the start of the intervention compared to the end of the intervention, especially in relation to friendships and relationships, feelings and emotions, and self-esteem. On exit YP was able to recognize achievement through pushing themselves to try new things
- YP continues to access weekly group activities at Positive Futures through the support of the Youth Development Team.
- Although YP still requires some encouragement to attend group activities, they engage comfortably with other young people and staff at Positive Futures whilst accessing sessions.
“I actually asked my mum if I could come here more. I feel like you’re the only person I feel comfortable talking to and get on with you”.
Quote from young person during 1-2-1 session
“(YP) actually asked today can she come 2 days instead of 1 which was a shock”
Text message sent from mum