CASE STUDY | Behaviour, communication and confidence
To support YP with their behaviour at school, how to positively communicate with others and to increase confidence.
The Intervention
The goals / support agreed was:
- To support YP in developing healthy ways to express their anger and disappointment with others as well as help develop a higher level of confidence.
- 1-2- support sessions in and outside of school were agreed with referrer and mum.
The support provided was:
7 1-2-1 sessions took place covering:
- Coping strategies for anger
- Positive Friendships
- Healthy ways to manage/avoid conflict with others
- Increasing confidence
- YP had shown an increase in their confidence as well as progress with their anger.
- YP was consistent in their newly developed ability to avoid conflict with others and was capable of recognising negative behaviour in themselves, as well as spotting signs of a negative friendship.
- Upon completing intervention, assessments evidenced the improvement of YP’s wellbeing and behaviour at school alongside developing positive friendships.
“Positive Futures has really helped me, when I come away from these meetings with you I feel like I am capable of anything”.
Quote from Young Person