CASE STUDY | Antisocial behaviour and police involvement
YP had multiple contact with the Police due to ASB who also thought he might be at risk of CE. He received a banning order in relation to his behaviour in the community, and was also excluded from mainstream education.
The Intervention
1:1 sessions took place to increase his wellbeing and reduce the chances of future engagement in ASB
His goals included: 1) to avoid ASB, and 2) to learn strategies to regulate my emotions and control behaviour
The support provided was: –
- 9 x 1:1 sessions – these took place at home initially. Then we moved the sessions to take place in the Pupil Referral Unit or at local activity centres
- An assessment to highlight risk factors and anything that could be maintaining his engagement in ASB
- Informal education sessions on ASB and CE
- Therapeutically informed sessions to co-design a toolkit for YP to use when his emotions are driving negative behaviour
- Information, advice and guidance regarding healthy lifestyles and interpersonal effectiveness
- YP was able to re-engage with mainstream education (YP received excellent support at the Pupil Referral Unit alongside this intervention)
- YP is on the pathway for an ADHD and ASD diagnosis
- Reduction in depression and generalised anxiety as assessed via self-scored routine outcome measures
- YP set himself 2 goals during this intervention 1) to avoid ASB, and 2) to learn strategies to regulate my emotions and control behaviour. At the end of the intervention, he scored goal 1 as 10/10 and goal 2 as 8/10.
- YP feels much prouder of himself now that he is back in mainstream education, and he is working towards qualifications to allow him to progress to college; he wants to learn a construction trade.
- YP feels happier about himself, and his improved self-esteem allows him to avoid negative situations/peer influences by walking away instead of being led astray; he is taking personal responsibility to avoid involvement in ASB. There has been no police involvement since this intervention started. A recent example happened at his local McDonalds when a fight broke out. Previously YP would have looked for ways to get involved but instead he rang his mum and instructed her to pick him up from the shops nearby, which she did without hesitation.
- Due to positive reports from school and no reports from local intelligence, YP was closed to LIT when this intervention came to an end.
As a reward for excellent engagement with this intervention we took YP go karting to celebrate his achievements…