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CASE STUDY | Michael dances his way to confidence with Positive Futures

Monday, 29 March, 2021

CASE STUDY | Michael dances his way to confidence with Positive Futures

Dance workshop Liverpool Positive Futures

Michael, a young person from North Liverpool, was lacking confidence and suffering from anxiety when he first starting engaging with Positive Futures Liverpool. He wanted to be a Dance Leader, but his lack of confidence had held him back up until this point.

The goals

When Michael first started engaging with the youth development charity, he set himself some goals. These were to become more active, develop his confidences and improve his body image. He also wanted to develop his dance technique to support his ambition to become a Dance Leader. basis at home

The intervention

After finding out about the wide range of Open Access sessions that Positive Futures offer, Michael decided to attend Dance, Drama, Musical Theatre and Volunteers sessions. During his first dance sessions, he was not confident when dancing in front of others, and would remove himself from parts of the routine that he found challenging. However, after two weeks of sessions, he became more resilient and confident in himself and his knowledge of the routines, and started involving himself more. After four weeks, he took up his first leadership role within the group.

Michael commented;

“This is my favorite time of the week. Coming to Positive Futures, I feel like it helps me be better”

The outcomes

Michael was successful in achieving the goals that he set himself at the beginning in that he had improved confidence and fitness levels, he felt more motivated and was more committed to following a healthier lifestyle.

The impact

Improved Leadership Skills – In addition to supporting with the planning of the sessions, Michael also started creating his own routines to teach others. He really adopted the role and being the motivator and role model, as if anyone were struggling in the class, he would be the first to offer to help.

Improved confidence – Michael also took part in a Facebook Live streaming session which is something he never would have done before coming to Positive Futures. He spent the whole time encouraging his peers, using motivational language such as “Yes gang, we are all smashing it.”

A better outlook on life – Not only has he become more active which has improved his fitness levels, he also had an improved self-body image. He has become more eager and ambitious about his future goals and what he would like to do after school.

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