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Positive Futures supports young person after suffering a bereavement

Monday, 7 October, 2019

Positive Futures supports young person after suffering a bereavement

Positive Futures becomes revolving door of support for young person following referral by parent after a family bereavement

A young person referred to as RH was referred to Positive Futures after suffering the bereavement of a parent to help them cope with the bereavement.

Initially she joined one of our weekly open access sessions where she took part in personal development workshops and summer and half term programmes, as well as issues based sessions. After several months the staff observed that she would benefit from targeted one to one support to help deal with feelings and emotions relating to her recent bereavement.

The team liaised with her parents and teachers to ensure the intervention had their support. These sessions were delivered at RH’s primary school, a place where she felt comfortable and safe.

To begin with, RH was asked to complete an outcome star to focus around her desired goals as well as a risk and protective factor assessment. Together with her youth worker RH created an action plan to support her needs.

The baseline assessment showed RH had particularly low levels relating to hopes and dreams, wellbeing and choices and behaviour. This activity allowed her youth worker to explore the issues she was facing and create a bespoke support plan.

Throughout the course of six one to one sessions RH created a memory box which she filled with nice memories, she was encouraged to reflect on the positives and created a sand jar that she coloured to represent the memory of her parent, this was also filled with memories such as going to the park and Christmas.

Her youth worker used some activities frrom the Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine work book to support RH working through her feelings, whilst giving her an opportunity to talk through her memories. She also created a feeling volcano which, through creative art, allowed her to talk through the feelings she was having and how her feelings affected other people.

She has since gone on to attend an event held by Bereavement UK which recognised and celebrated her hard work so far, whilst showing her she wan’t alone in her feelings.

RH has since finished her one to one sessions but continues to engage in other Positive Futures activities including the Caring Futures programme. Her attendance at open access sessions was quite sporadic so, to try and encourage her attendance, Positive Futures arranged transport to the sessions as youth workers were concerned about underlying issues she may be experiencing. As her attendance increased the Positive Futures team were able to provide more structured intervention. This support had an impact on RH who reported she had a greater sense of belonging, trusted the staff at Positive Futures and felt safe when attending sessions.

This trust was emphasised when RH  disclosed to one of Positive Futures’ core staff members that a particular incident had occurred. As a result of this incident she want on to inform them of current circumstances. As a result of this disclosure the youth worker felt it appropriate to involve the safeguarding lead, who completed a safeguarding initiation document after discussions with external agencies, as well as a family member. It was decided that RH would benefit from further one to one sessions. She is receiving this support now and progressing well. The aim is to reintroduce her to the open access sessions when appropriate.

RH has been supported by positive futures for over 2 years and, in this time, her youth workers have liaised with her school, family members and social worker to provide a holistic approach to her support. The charity has supported her through group sessions and targeted work, being a continuous source of support. RH continues to work with Positive Futures who are supporting her with her confidence and self esteem, as well as her feelings relating to bereavement.


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